
Variety News – September 28, 2021

On My Mind
Covid is my top concern as I sit here quarantined at my house, awaiting test results. My husband and I are both vaccinated, but obviously the vaccine isn’t one hundred percent effective, and he works in a health care facility with a lot of other staff who haven’t bothered to get vaccinated, and have been passing covid infections around like candy.

Needless to say, it was only a matter of time before he got a breakthrough infection, and he tested positive yesterday. Thank goodness for the vaccine though, because his lungs aren’t all that great on a normal day, and I’m convinced that having that primer is what’s kept him out of the hospital. He had one bad breathing day, but Mucinex seems to have knocked the gunk out of his lungs, and he’s doing much better five days in.

I went and got tested yesterday per our local health command’s guidelines. I’ve had a bit of a tight throat for the past few days, but otherwise, I feel okay. I’ve loaded myself up on herbal antivirals/anti-inflammatories for the past few nights, and have made sure to get enough sleep, and that seems to be keeping me from succumbing to anything worse. Fingers crossed I can hold it off indefinitely between the vaccine and the herbs/spices I have in my personal apothecary.

The fact that I’ll have to wear a mask indoors for 14 days even if my test comes back negative isn’t making my eyes happy at all. I think I’d rather just quarantine, but then again, I have a lot to do at work – fall is our busiest season – so…. *sigh*

There is just nothing easy about this, and it all sucks. I guess the silver lining is, there’s plenty of time to have it all done and be out of quarantine well before my eye surgery. So there’s that.

I haven’t created much lately – no writing, no crocheting, no nothing. I think it’s making me crabby. Every time I think I’m on the right track to making time for…something, I get derailed again. It’s annoying, and I wish I knew how to stop it, but I seem incapable at the moment. I do plan to get something written while I’m in quarantine. Other than blog posts and emails, I mean.

I’m eating less, and working out more, and finally starting to see results, so huzzah for that! I’m also being very careful about *what* I eat, and staying away from processed carbs. It’s not fun, but it’s working, and I’m determined. Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is going to be crucial for me going forward, so I really do need to make that a priority.

Hopefully the discipline I’m gaining from that will spill over to other areas of my life! That’s often how it goes, I’ve found. If I can get control of one thing, I can generally “copy” that success in other areas. All I need is a toehold, so to speak.

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