
Variety News: January 18, 2022

Photo of the Week

There’s a 10-year photo challenge going around social media at the moment, so I figured I’d post mine here. Ironically, while I was dying my hair ten years ago, I was due for more dye, so I still had gray hair on the sides in that photo. I don’t look all that different, though I can’t say I’m fond of how short my pixie was there (I’m sure I’d just gotten it trimmed up again).

General Discussion
Did you see the “wolf moon” yesterday? I thought that was fitting, as yesterday was my birthday. I turned 47, and it was a good day, overall. I had the day off work (I have today off too, just because I felt like taking an extra day), so I spent the day playing with the pups, looking at pics of half-naked men (I need to update some of Trinity’s cover art), and went to dinner with my husband. It was bright and sunny and relaxed, for the most part. I appreciate birthdays like that.

Today, I’m reminding myself that it’s okay to feel a little hungry sometimes without immediately having to eat. And also that very few things take as long as I think they will. You’ll hear (see?) me repeat that often over the course of this year, because I’m trying to drum both of those into my brain, the latter as an anti-procrastination tool. I procrastinate a lot, and often for far longer than it would have taken me to just do whatever it is I don’t want to do. One of my bigger goals this year is to stop doing that. Get the big projects done rather than putting them off indefinitely just because I’m feeling lazy or overwhelmed.

Of course part of that is being organized, too, and my spiffy new organizational tools really aren’t working as well as the old ones did. So, I’m switching back to ToDoist and Cozi for now, and if something else jumps out as maybe working better, I’ll try that. I’m disappointed, but…gotta get things done, and I am definitely missing things with My Life Organized.

On a brighter note, my new late-night schedule is working great for getting writing/editing/reading done. I feel really good about that, and relieved that such a small change as giving myself an extra half-hour can make such a huge impact.

Currently Reading
On my kindle (app): Creative Self-Publishing by Orna A. Ross (non-fiction)
Print fiction: A Gambling Man by David Baldacci (thriller) – this isn’t really catching me…I’m liking the style, but the characters haven’t grabbed me yet. We’ll see.
A River of Words by Carol R. Ward – my book flood book of prompt stories from my buddy Carol. I love these, because they’re short and fun!

Video Highlight
I found this video helpful just in refining my own daily workflow. I use my reMarkable tablet like he uses Notion, because I prefer the handwriting aspect of planning out my daily agenda and projects (I remember things better when I write them out longhand, which means I don’t have to actually check the daily agenda so often), but I do use ToDoist in a similar manner, along with Cozi Calendar for scheduling. I found some interesting and insightful ideas in the comments as well.

Song of the Week
My dalliance with Spotify is over, simply because the app would never recognize my premium membership, and it screwed up my Stitcher app, which is what I prefer for podcasts (especially since the same podcasts have ads in them on Spotify when the app won’t recognize a premium membership *sigh*).

But, my song of the week is one of my favorites: Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie, and also one that I need to move back onto my cell in a format my alarm app will read, because it’s currently broken and I *need* it for my Tuesday morning alarm sound. Check it out on YouTube, because the video is cool too:

Post Round-up
The Writer’s Desk (last updated: Jan. 18, 2022)

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