Variety News – August 23, 2021

On My Mind

As usual, there’s been a lot on my mind lately, but not much I actually want to discuss publicly. The best thing that happened here last week is the rain…three days worth, plus record cool temps to go with it. Both of those are good things, and hopefully they’re helping to get our fires under control and get the farmers/ranchers some much needed moisture. It’s been a very bad weather year, and we needed this swing badly.

Other than that, I’m excited to be upgrading my mobile tech very soon. New cell, new smartwatch, new earbuds, all being delivered late next week and early the week after that. While sometimes new tools can be distracting, other times they can be just what I need to pull myself out of a rut. But regardless, it’s always fun.


Pocket Pioneers – I stumbled across this game just browsing early last week, and it intrigued me as an MMORPG for mobile. Mobile gaming is my favorite, just because I’m lazy and often don’t want to boot up a console or my laptop, and my cell is pretty much always with me. So I tried this out, and while I’m not social in the game (yet – I don’t have a lot of time to actually play), I’m enjoying it for the adorable little farm life sim that it is. It’s like Animal Crossing meets Farm Town. And it’s what I’d like a mobile Animal Crossing to be (though I do enjoy Pocket Camp, but I wish the gameplay was more like the DS version).

PokemonGO has new monsters to catch and raid for too, so that’s fun. I just hit level 40, so leveling up is a lot different now too, and I have some fairly large tasks to work at completing.

Want to join me in any of these? My “gamer” name is normally Jamade (or some version of that – Jamade2018 in Pokemon). Feel free to look me up!


The Nevers – While looking for a new series to watch, I stumbled across this one on HBO (or HBO Max, I forget which). It’s a Victorian Sci-Fi series about a group of people who are “touched” by an event, which gives them all unique abilities. I’m finding it quite delightful so far…with mystery and action and drama all wrapped in fancy gowns and steampunkish whimsy. It’s a Joss Whedon show, so if you like that sort of thing, definitely check it out.

We also watched the movie Tenet this past Saturday. Talk about a trippy film! Good, action-packed, but it’s not often I get lost in a show, and this one lost me a few times just due to all the back and forth and…sideways things. Intriguing, at the very least, and on HBO Max at the moment, if you’re interested.

Bling & Things

Not really true “bling”, per se, but I have an eye doctor’s appointment this week (finally). I was excited about it until I realized that masks are still required in medical offices, and I really need a larger pair of frames this time so there’s more room for the progressive part of my lens.

I can barely pick out frames anyways, just because I truly can’t see without my glasses (I have horrid vision). So I’m always getting right up at the mirrors in the office, and then hoping like heck whatever I finally picked out actually does look okay.

But now I have the additional problem of a mask over half my face, which is…well, it seems impossible, is all. I don’t know how I can possibly pick out a pair of frames with half my face covered, and not able to see without my normal lenses. I should have had an appointment a year ago, but I was waiting for mask mandates to be lifted and now…I really do need new glasses, but I have no idea how I’m going to make any kind of selection with a mask on.

I understand the reasoning for the mask rules, I’m just…disheartened. I was so looking forward to getting new frames/bigger lenses, but now, not so much. Here’s hoping I can find something that won’t look too stupid. At least my husband will be there to help.

This is when I wish my prescription wasn’t so expensive. I could get a copy of my prescription, and order several pair online so I’d have a “glasses wardrobe” to choose from. Alas, I can’t afford that. Still…it’s a fun idea and would take a lot of stress out of the frame-buying process.

We’ll see (literally) how it goes I suppose, one way or the other.

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