Variety News: March 8, 2022

Photo of the Week

General Discussion
It’s very foggy as I write this, which doesn’t happen often here in the dry high plains of south-central Montana. I tried to get pictures, but I didn’t have good angles to really show off the fog, and as I was still in my too-short smurfy fleece sweats, a torn t-shirt and slippers, I didn’t feel like slogging through the muddy morass of our backyard to get to the even muddier alley for the shot I really wanted.

Clearly I am not cut out to be a photographer.

However, as I was walking through the foggy mist a little later, it triggered a memory of summer camp in the mountains, where waking up to clouds at ground level is a fairly common occurrence. I remember how pensive I was, waking up surrounded by nature instead of the bustling, ever-present sounds of civilization. I’d pull on a flannel jacket over my t-shirt and jeans, and pad through the camp feeling the swells and indentations of the ground easily through my moccasin ankle-boots.

No, I’m not Native American, but I did love moccasins back then, because they were so comfortable and because I could better feel the world beneath my feet. I wish I still had a pair. Perhaps I should get some.

Standing in the meadow, I’d look back at the mountain that rose just behind our cabins, shrouded in a thick blanket of white that would burn off by mid-morning to reveal the thicker green covering only penetrable on foot and in some places not even then.

I’m currently creating a whole little fictional world that’s based loosely on the terrain of this campsite, a little town called Rattlesnake Falls, where romance will be hard won, ghosts will whisper, secrets will be made and promises broken.

My new little town needs this fog. Not as weather, necessarily, but as a character in its own right. Because that’s what it is, really. Something to respect, fear, admire, and use, depending on the situation.

I also need to remember to turn the fog lights off in my car.

Currently Reading
A manuscript by Carol R. Ward that I’m also editing as I read. I’m enjoying it greatly, and I’m sure anyone else who likes magical fantasy worlds will too once it’s done.

Video Highlight
I’ve been following author vlogs just to see…well, what other authors vlog about. I’ve found a couple I liked well enough to subscribe to, and this is one. Enjoy!
Christy Anne Jones Writer’s vlog : httpss://

Song of the Week
I love this Mongolian Metal…it’s edgy, and the throat singing is something you really don’t come across every day. If you like this, I’d highly suggest listening to more of their songs. I really enjoy all of what I found on Facebook, and will definitely be buying the album soon. Both versions of the song are great, IMO.
The Hu Band – Wolf Totem: httpss://
Version featuring Jacoby Shaddox for an English translation: httpss://

Pop Quiz!
If you wandered into the fog and it ended up being a portal to somewhere else, where do you think you’d end up?

I think it would be fun to wander into a sort of zen paradise, personally. Complete with sand garden and lily pad/koi pond.

Post Round-up
The Writer’s Desk (last updated: March 5, 2022 )
Check out my writing blog for a bunch of new covers I just updated!

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