Writer’s Notes: February 20, 2014

Writing Session 1: Live With Me

Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense
Words written:  219
Total words:  1,588
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Slow start today, but that’s kind of how my brain feels…slow. I’m
liking how things are shaping up here though, and I think the pace will
pick up a bit for the next session, since I know exactly where it’s

Writing Session 2: Live With Me

Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense
Words written:  334
Total words:  1,922
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: And….scene done. A little rough, but it’ll work for now. And the next one’s going to be really fun…

Writing Session 3:
Lucky Leaves (flash draft)

Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense
Words written:  354
Total words:  354
Time Spent: 30 minutes (after work)

Well, it’s a start, anyways. Jumped right into a chase/hostage
situation without really knowing what’s going on makes it slow going,
but I’m figuring it out. As long as I can keep it short enough for the

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