Writer’s Notes: Sept. 16, 2015

Daily Stats
Word count: 505
Drafts worked on: The Dry Rain
Writing time: 30 minutes

I know a lot of writers who need to know the end of the story before they even start writing. To me, that completely takes the fun out of the whole process. I need to get to the end through the journey my characters take, and I can’t know that until I write it, which means I never know the ending of a story until I start getting close to writing it.

Today, two endings for this story came to mind. I’m certainly leaning toward one more than the other, but the only way to figure out which one will truly “fit” is to just keep writing. But it’s still exciting to know I’m getting close to “the end”…


A woman in green scrubs stood at a counter just through another narrow doorway, with a tray of syringes in front of her, an array of tiny bottles to the right, and a box of empty syringes just next to those. As he watched, she filled syringe after syringe with a clear liquid, capping the needles and laying them on the tray.

Author sites: JamieDeBree.com | TrinityMarlow.com | AlexWesthaven.com

Publisher Site: Brazen Snake Books

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