Writer’s Notes: December 11, 2013

Writing Session 1: When She Cries
Author/Genre: AW/suspense
Words written:  379
Total words:  1,101
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: Well this is getting interesting already, now isn’t it? What we have here is a severe personality mismatch plus a really odd perspective mismatch as well. Which is going to wreak a ton of havoc in pretty short order. I like it. 

Writing Session 2: When She Cries
Author/Genre: AW/suspense
Words written:  454
Total words:  1,555
Time Spent: 15 minutes (break)

Notes: And…scene done. Lots of good character information there, and a good bit of conflict to start things off on the right foot. Good stuff! 

Writing Session 3: Creme Brulee
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written:  548
Total words:  8,338
Time Spent: 30 minutes (after work)

Notes: The scene isn’t done quite yet, but it’s a bit of levity, which is refreshing for this story. So a good beginning. I’ll finish it tomorrow…

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