Writer’s Log: Oct. 8, 2013

Writing Session 1: Jasmine Betrayal
Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense
Words written:  281

Total words: 8,657 
Time Spent:  15 minutes (break)

Notes: Arg! Just when I get rolling, I have to stop. And seriously, Little Rock needs fire escapes. How the heck do you get out of a burning multi-level building without one? Talk about writing myself into a dang corner…though my characters did figure out a way to sort of escape – no fire, but still, they’re currently trapped on the 4th floor of a building. We’ll have to wait until the next session to see if it actually works or not…

Writing Session 2: Jasmine Betrayal
Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense
Words written:  331

Total words: 8,988
Time Spent:  30 minutes (after work)

Notes: Well, it worked, and I have about 2 more sentences to finish the scene, but time was up and I had to run. Will finish this first break tomorrow. Good stuff though, I think. And believable, for the most part. Though I have no idea where Gen learned the trick she just pulled…

I’m seriously behind this week – still have another serial scene to write, and a flash fiction piece for the horror/suspense blog too before I can get back to the holiday serial stories. Aye karumba! Good thing I have next Monday off work. Might be a good time to finish off another holiday serial…dare I hope two?

One thought on “Writer’s Log: Oct. 8, 2013”

  1. I live within blocks of two of the first highrises in Little Rock. I also live fairly close to an old hotel that is now “high rise” subsidized housing for the disabled and elderly. Now a fire escape one. When there is a fire people go down the stairs.

    BTW, two of the buildings have had two fires in recent years. Some of the old business buildings(now torn down) did have fire escapes. I don’t know why Little Rock doesn’t have fire escapes. I assure you we have apartment fires. There was an arsonist who stayed pretty busy at some apartments just up the hill from me for a while this winter into summer. That was bad business. So many people lost everything, but I digress.

    I am glad that Gen figured out a way to get out of the nasty situation. You are an awesome writer.

    Thanks for everything that you do.



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