Writer’s Log: Nov. 2, 2013

I’ve got some serious eye strain going on today…the kind that makes it really hard to stare at the screen very long (or even just see normally, really). The drugstore was out of the gel that’s easier for me to use, so I got drops and did the best I could getting them into my eyes. We’ll see how this goes…

Writing Session 1: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet contemp. romance
Words written: 673 

Total words: 1,295
Time Spent:   55 minutes (1:50pm – 2:45pm )

Notes: Ye olde eyes are still not happy, but they’re getting better, and the words are starting to come quicker, thank goodness! A quick break, and then back at it for another hour or so… 

Writing Session 2: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet contemp. romance
Words written: 487 

Total words: 1,782
Time Spent:   
30 minutes (3pm – 3:30pm)

Notes: And that’s the first scene finished. My eyes are starting to go wonky again, dang it. Guess I’ll get away from the screen for a bit, and then try to get some more done a little later. At least I’m over the first day’s word count goal…

Writing Session 3: MacKenzie Saves the World
Author/Genre: JD/sweet contemp. romance
Words written: 837 

Total words: 2,619
Time Spent:   minutes (5pm – 5:30pm)

Notes: Not bad…picking up some momentum, finally. And creating a whole bunch of roadblocks for my eventually-to-be-happy couple, but that’s what makes it fun. Now I need to go do some chores (okay, feed the dogs and call my mom, who’s call I ignored to keep writing), and then hopefully one more session later before I call it quits for the night…

I didn’t make it for another session, unfortunately…I was going to try, but the eyes just are not having it (really bad pun intended). Hopefully more sleep, water and eyedrops will have me back to fit writing condition tomorrow!

Incidentally, for those interested the first scene of my NaNo draft is online now at https://comicshopromance.com

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