Writer’s Log: Oct. 29, 2013

Writing Session 1: Lemon Cream
Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written: n/a

Total words: n/a 
Time Spent:  30 minutes 

Notes: Just did the minor edits requested on this, so now it’s ready for formatting and publication. Most excellent. Now back to the holiday serial series…

Writing Session 2: Cutting Back
Author/Genre: AW/Horror
Words written: 712

Total words: 16,587 
Time Spent:  1 hour

Notes: The editor thought the cliffhanger for Mr. Mysterious would be okay (I know – shock!), so I’m calling that installment done. This one just sort of rolled right out – I knew what needed to happen, just not how, but I started typing and…now it’s done. That’s two of the Thanksgiving installments done…one more, and I can start on Christmas (aka the final chapters)! 

I may not have gotten much done today, but what I did get done was dang good progress. Can’t complain about that one bit. 

2 thoughts on “Writer’s Log: Oct. 29, 2013”

  1. I read this every day you publish it. I just don’t always comment. Tonight I was jealous of your editor who has had a peek at what is going to happen with the holiday serials. I am so ready for Halloween to read that installment. Cheers, Ardee-ann

  2. LOL – Never fear, my friend. She didn’t get a peek, just a quick run down of events to help me make a decision with. That’s actually the Thanksgiving installment I was working on there…but Halloween is tomorrow!

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