Writer’s Log: October 28, 2013

Writing Session 1: Jasmine Betrayal

Author/Genre: JD/romantic suspense
Words written: 855
Total words: 11,562
Time Spent: 1 hour (vacation writing at home!)

Notes: I kind of had to remind myself that these are “sweet” romance today…no sex. It was a close one, but I think I managed to save it before it went too hot. Sure, it’s my story and I could have taken it “there”, but I’d like the series to be consistent. And of course my NaNo story will be “sweet”, so I need to practice pulling back (*ahem* – so to speak). 

In any case, this scene is done and we’re not nearly as close to the end as I’d like, but lots of writing to do this week. So, on to the next deadline…

Writing Session 2: Creme Brulee

Author/Genre: TM/erotic romance
Words written: 960
Total words: 4,138
Time Spent: 1 hour (vacation writing at home!)

Notes: I really thought these two would be jumping into the dungeon this week, but no. Apparently we still had more set-up to do. And now that this scene is written, yeah. It’s important, because up until now, Jeanette’s had no reason whatsoever to trust that Daniel has her best interests at heart. And here, he shows us all that he truly does, which is going to make the next bit a lot easier (and the connection much deeper, IMO). This is why it’s called erotic *romance*, rather than just straight erotica, folks. It’s all about depth of emotion…

It was a good writing day today – and now my Friday obligations are met, so I can get back to work on the holiday serials tomorrow (and maybe some editing too…). 

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