
Variety News: February 8, 2022

Photo of the Week

The latest tattoo – rawr! Color coming later this month.

General Discussion
When I turned 18, there were three things I knew I absolutely wanted to do:

– Register to vote
– Get a second piercing in my ears
– Get a tattoo

Naturally, I did all three. My parents were less than impressed when they finally found out about the tattoo (shoulder blades are good hiding spots for first tattoos, if you don’t live in a swim suit like I did back then), even though it was a small wooden cross to mark my rather zealous faith at the time.

I remember how nervous I was walking into Tattoo Art, a small tattoo shop, having gotten a recommendation from a couple of co-workers on the best tattoo shop/artist in town (back then HIV and Hep C were major issues in tattoo shops, and I was not stupid). The walls were wood paneling and covered with flash art, and I knew absolutely nothing about tattoos and tattoo culture. The artist I’d wanted to get an appointment with (Buz Bailey) wasn’t available for months (I had no idea that was the norm), so I made an appointment with another guy in the shop in the apparently requisite t-shirt and black leather vest, and walked out a little unsure, but determined to follow through.

When I went back, I was still incredibly nervous, but I did make sure he was opening brand new needles and using sterilized equipment. He showed me the drawing, I told him I wanted it a little smaller, he looked at me like I was nuts but went ahead and sized it down, and after I approved it, I learned all about the process of printing out the stencil and placing it. Then the tattoo machine started to hum, and I learned two things: the shoulder blade is one of the more painful areas to get a tattoo, and I really do have a high pain tolerance. The artist commented on the fact that I sat so still, especially for a first-timer. I remember it burned, and the worst part was right over the bone. But I felt so exhilarated when it was done…and I learned that my friends from work were right – tattoos are like chips, you can’t get just one (I mean, unless you really struggle with the pain, and I do know a few people like that now, but that isn’t an issue for me, obviously).

I went back two more times – once to get a verse added underneath the cross (the one just after the one everyone spouts as proof God doesn’t want us to get tattoos – amazing how things get taken so far out of context), and once to get the now infamous Pepe Le Peux added to the inside of my right ankle. That hurt more than my shoulder blade, but Buz did that one for me, and I’m happy to have some of his work even if it is just a flash piece.

I got my navel pierced in that shop when I was 21 too…which was quite a bit more painful and harder to heal than any tattoo I’ve gotten.

I’d always planned to continue on with a larger back piece, but college required every spare bit of cash, and toward the end of college I started dating my now-husband, who was never fond of tattoos (though his comment on my first tattoo several years before we started dating is how we started getting to know each other, so…there’s that).

Needless to say, I didn’t step foot in another tattoo shop until my 40th birthday, and I was pretty nervous that I wouldn’t still have the pain tolerance I’d had in my youth. That was seven years and quite a bit of ink ago (including covering up that cross and verse on my shoulder), and this week, the artist I’ve been going to since then (Andrew Hauck) was kind enough to add a fabulous T-Rex to my Montana sleeve for me. Montana was once home to these huge critters, see, and they kind of fit the “MT reptiles & insects” theme I’ve got going on for this arm.

Also, I’ve loved and been fascinated by dinosaurs since I was very little, and the fact that they lived right here, in what would eventually become our state, was just amazing to me.

Sometimes, tattoos have deep and abiding meaning. Some of mine certainly do.

But sometimes, a tattoo is just something fun. Because even after all these years, I still think dinosaurs are cool.

Currently Reading
I’m ashamed to say I have completely neglected my reading this week, aside from my editing project. But I’m determined to get back to it this week, so hopefully something new to report next time.

Video Highlight
Thomas Frank: httpss://

Song of the Week
I don’t know why this is in my head this week, but might have something to do with the holiday right around the corner. 😉
Tina Turner – httpss://

Pop Quiz!
What’s your favorite dinosaur?

While I got a t-rex on my arm, my favorite dinosaur is actually a triceratops. And yes, we had those here in Montana as well, but…I thought the t-rex would make a cooler tattoo. Maybe I’ll add a triceratops later…you never know. 😉

Post Round-up
The Writer’s Desk (last updated: Feb. 5, 2022 )

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